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About Alice

Well hello there! You seem to have found my about page! While there is a smaller about me on the main page, I couldn't possibly fit everything in that tiny little box.

I'm Alice, an eighteen year old second year Stage Management student. I work in theatre, and love it! I'm not sure if this is the career I'm going to stick with for the rest of my life, in fact I'm almost certain its not, but I'm definitely happy with it for now.

I am also a big fan of all beauty related things. Ironically, I don't actually wear a lot of makeup, although my collection begs to differ. I love taking baths and am a self-confessed Lush addict. You'll find my reviews of many different beauty and bath time products the more you scroll.

I'm also a little bit of a crafts nerd. I have a visual journal which I love, and although I don't get it out often, when I do, I go crazy. I also just started up cross-stitching which is going swimmingly, and I love to paint. I wish I could fit more crafty projects into my life, but instead I spend a lot of time living vicariously through other people's endless Pinterest posts. Alas, what can one do!

Well, I guess thats just about everything. This blog is more for me than anyone else, but if you do happen to come across it and you've got this far, then welcome!

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